自問die hard 80's metal fans既各位不妨玩下.
1. "Bang that head that dosen't bang"出自:
a. Slayer
b. Metallica
c. Megadeth
d. Anthrax
2. Metallica "The Call of Ktulu"曲名來自以下邊位小說家:
a. H. P. Lovecraft
b. Ernest Hemingway
c. Joel McIver
d. Laurie Halse Anderson
3. "In Moshing We Trust"出自:
a. Death Angel
b. Testament
c. Anthrax
d. Annihilator
4. "Veni, Vidi, Vinci"(拉丁語,即英文的"We came, we see, we conquerd")出自:
a. Queensryche
b. Roit
c. Dokken
d. Statetrooper
5. "Run Silent Run Deep"出自:
a. Iron Maiden
b. Diamond Head
c. Def Leppard
d. Raven
6. "On the wings of an eagle"出自:
a. Raven
b. Iron Maiden
c. Saxon
d. Angel Witch
7. "Death to false metal"出自:
a. Manowar
b. Judas Priest
c. Paradox
d. Angent Steel
8. Iron Maiden有那一首樂曲取材自英國詩人Samuel Taylor Coleridge的作品:
a. Forst at Midnight
b. The Rime of The Ancient Mariner
c. Smokes in the sun-thaw
d. When the Soul seeks to hear
9. "Over the edge, take the first step"出自:
a. Acid Reign
b. Artillery
c. T.T. Quick
d. D.R.I.
10. Exodus的樂曲"And then there were none"出自以下那位小說家:
a. Peter Criss
b. Agatha Christie
c. Stephen King
d. Tom Clancy
11. "Gypsies, tramps and sleaze"出自:
a. Bonfire
b. White Lion
c. Britney Fox
d. Faster Pussycat
12. "Just when you thought it was safe to go out"出自:
a. If Only
b. Mono
c. Witch
d. Blonde on Blonde
13. "The Downfall of a Civilization"出自:
a. Sodom
b. Voivod
c. Celtic Frost
d. Kix
14. "We aim to change HM... to bring it back down to earth"出自:
a. Dio
b. T.T. Quick
c. Holy Terror
d. Maniac Thrust
15. "Red Rum"出自:
a. Lizzy Borden
b. China
c. Tone Norum
d. Reckless
16. "Glam, slam, king of noise"出自:
a. Ratt
b. Poison
c. Bon Jovi
d. Keel
17. "Point of no return"出自:
a. Kansas
b. Genesis
c. Asia
d. GTR
18. "Come bang with the gang"出自:
a. Heart
b. Osiris
c. Autograph
d. Pandemonium
19. "The first in rock, the last in line"出自:
a. Bash
b. Dio
c. Rainbow
d. Accept
20. "From the fire to the streets"出自:
a. Overkill
b. Forbidden
c. Turbo
d. Kick Axe
全中的人,小弟有一張Lacrimosa 2009年的新碟一隻作小小的獎品,呵呵~
The Age Of Innocence (1993)
看完星空奇遇記(Star Trek),當銀幕出現Spock的母親,即是雲露娜維達(Winona Ryder)出現的一幕,還真的看得我有點感觸,畢竟這是她高買被捕之後的第一套"似樣"的大作啊...(雖然還只是一個閒角...)回想維達姐在90年代紅得發紫的風光,跟現在相比,實在是....唉.這套93年維達姐的其中一套成名作The Age of Innocence(港譯"純真年代"),就是我還是小學當年跟哥哥及他的朋友一起入戲院看的她的第一套片,也是我第一次對這位當年只有22歲,予人一種清新脫俗,充滿氣質而且漂亮得恍如不食人間煙火的美女有著深刻印象(起啖?呵呵),一直到了今天,我依然記得......
這套戲的重點,雖然是集中在丹尼爾路易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)和米雪菲花(Michelle Pfeiffer)的感情戲上,但我覺得雲露娜維達演的May(主角的未婚妻)卻比起主線角色還要起眼,在故事初頭既要演繹出一種順得人意,如沐春風的未婚妻,也要在故事後段演繹出一種雖然知道丈夫真心相愛的人居然是自己表姐但又不能表露內心不安(不滿)的矛盾心情,其實是非常考驗演員演技,還有演員本身有多了解角色.但年紀輕輕的維達姐在戲中表現卻是駕輕就熟,無論是戲中質問丈夫一幕,還是到最後不忍丈夫離去傷心流淚的一下,完全不像是一個22歲的女子應有的淡定!
不過,我看見很多的網評,很多都集中在兩位主角身上,頂多就是對導演馬田史高西斯(Martin Scorsese)的無懈可擊編劇拍爛手掌,但卻是鮮有對維達姐大加讚賞,而維達姐當年在純真年代的出色演出也讓她第一次獲提名奧斯卡,但可惜以些微之差敗在鋼琴別戀(The Piano)童星安娜柏昆(Anna Paquin,即X-Men中演羅剎的那位)而失掉最佳女配角寶座,誠為可惜...(但安慰的是,當年的時代雜誌(Time)評選純真年代為93年十大最佳電影之首)
不過,接下來,先要完成維達姐的full discography才行,維達可是小弟的童年偶像呢~hehe =)
By 芬蘭金屬少女應援團 (我的好妹妹們,kiitos!! haha^^)
沉寂多時的Evanescence,在06年的"The Open Door"雖然全球仍銷售超過5百萬張,不過卻是叫好不叫座,整張大碟的作曲及編曲都明顯不及mainstream的處女作"The Fallen",果真是Amy Lee沒有了Ben Moody就真的不行...?不過,最近我看過了他們的offical Web Site,看見了Amy post了樂隊的最新近況...
"There's some pretty weird stuff flying around right now and I'd like to clear up some confusion in the press. As our fans already know, Ben Moody left Evanescence in 2003. Evanescence came out with a follow-up to Fallen in 2006. It was called The Open Door and it debuted at #1 on the Billboard charts and reached platinum status in just over a month. The Open Door has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.
We're currently working on new material that I'm extremely excited about. I believe that to make great music you have to give yourself the freedom to evolve. I don't see the point in making the same record twice, so I always want to challenge myself to make something better, stronger, and more interesting than before. That takes time, but it's worth the wait for me. Hopefully, it will be for the fans too. Look out for new music next year... "
3年了,要在現今變成了emo / metalcore橫行的美國市場,加上經濟極度不景氣下殺出重圍,實在是有點難度...不過,我仍然期待他們的新作,畢竟當初Evanescence還是我第一次愛上的的女聲gothic呢(還在唸書的時候....)
嘩,我真係冇睇錯,真係正牌Heathen返來囉.04年出完隻"Recovered"一直都冇左聲氣,係咪同隊中靈魂Lee Altus去左玩Exodus搞到分身不暇有關?不過無論如何,我自已非常期待Heathen呢隻新碟,Thrash metal始終都係80's old school果代玩既先有味道.
Track List:
01. Dying Season
02. Control By Chaos
03. No Stone Unturned
04. Arrows Of Agony
05. Fade Away
06. A Heroe's Welcome
07. Undone
08. Bloodkult
09. Red Tears Of Disgrace
10. Silent Nothingness
DM隔左咁耐,終於再出動,呢隻"The Restless Memoirs"既EP係今年(預定)大碟The Isolation Game隻先行EP,不過好奇怪既係,係EP入面個主音居然唔係Soilwork既Bjorn Strid(反而大碟先係?),而係搵左個local主音黎唱...雖然唔係好明,但係一直以黎都係DM fans既我聽完隻EP之後都放心不少,起碼曲風貼近返佢地隻代表作FRAGMENTS OF D-GENERATION,好過上一隻唔湯唔水既Mind Tricks...期待佢地今年年尾既新作!!!
Track List:
01. Across The Burning Surface
02. Flare
03. Kneeling On Broken Glass
04. Spiral Dancer
05. Chester
06. Ghost Song
隨著ATV沒有了大衛牙刷show(The Late Show with David Letterman),我們這些喜歡音樂的,實在是一大損失,因為David每晚臨結束節目時,都會介紹一些最近流行的artist,雖然很多都是mainstream(其實也不是全部...),不過好聽就行了,更何況人家的mainstream有很多在香港也不為人所認識.
今天有幸翻看了5月1日的節目,讓我認識了這位來自英國玩alternative/Synth pop的樂隊Bat For Lashes,音樂相當不錯,也是我非常喜歡的80's style的Synth Pop / Alternative,少許dream pop的元素更加令她們的樂曲多了幾分輕快感.
每一次看David Letterman,都會讓我得益不少....我還真的希望ATV在往後的日子財政比較充裕之後,可以購回David Letterman的版權!
加油吧! ATV!!! \m/