90's vision will revisit so soon.
R.I.P. Michael Baker, 1963 - 2008 (ages 45)
今日才得知Shadow Gallery的主音Michael Baker已經在上年10月因為急性心臟病逝世,享年45歲,英年早逝,唉..............T_T
說真的,我一直認為(也是大部份"懂音樂"的樂迷認為)Shadow Gallery現在的成就,根本與他們天才潢溢,努力不懈及堅持到底的表現不成正比.Shadow Gallery由92年出道至今總共只發表了5張專輯,但卻是張張超高水準,無論是production,音樂性及創新意念,抑或從編曲到製作至完成都一絲不苟,每一張都會帶給樂迷全新的體驗,能夠有此能耐的,大概只有Opeth可以相提並論了.不過,樂隊就是沒辦法好像Dream Theater般成名走紅,甚至也比不上同門師弟Symphony X,這大概跟樂隊表明從來都不做tour,也跟SG並非是樂隊成員的正職有關......(啟示:人家非正職做出來的音樂,居然比很多正職樂隊做的還要好?思考!思考!)
But never say never. 經過多年來SG樂迷的強烈要求,樂隊團長keyboard手Gary Wherkamp在05年在網上說過他們樂隊全員會認真考慮作現場的可能性...不過,這個願望,恐怕會是落空的了..........
" It is with deep sadness and regret that we announce the passing of Shadow Gallery vocalist, Michael A. Baker. Mike suffered a heart attack, Wednesday afternoon, October 29th, 2008. He was 45 years old. Mike was a founding member of Shadow Gallery and for the past 16 years, helped shape the sound of the band with his magical voice. Additionally, he made many appearances on rock records around the world. Those who knew him best were moved by his gentle spirit, sincere kindness , fun nature and passion for both music and sports. He was a warrior in the studio, a true professional. Mike was our friend, our singer and our brother. We loved him and will miss him enormously, but he will always be remembered in our hearts and through his music. "
不過,早排我看過了官網,樂隊的餘下成員決定不解散Shadow Gallery,還計劃希望在來年推出新專輯悼念這位跟他們一起奮鬥了16年的戰友,也不排除會作樂隊第一次tour的可能性.這實在是對於前金樂迷來說是一個天大的喜訊,相信Mike在天之靈,也會覺得欣慰吧!!
We'll Miss You, Mike. 在此獻上我最愛的SG 95年發表的Carved In Stone內裡的一首滿有意思的歌曲"Crystalline Dream". R.I.P.