90's vision will revisit so soon.
沉寂多時的Evanescence,在06年的"The Open Door"雖然全球仍銷售超過5百萬張,不過卻是叫好不叫座,整張大碟的作曲及編曲都明顯不及mainstream的處女作"The Fallen",果真是Amy Lee沒有了Ben Moody就真的不行...?不過,最近我看過了他們的offical Web Site,看見了Amy post了樂隊的最新近況...
"There's some pretty weird stuff flying around right now and I'd like to clear up some confusion in the press. As our fans already know, Ben Moody left Evanescence in 2003. Evanescence came out with a follow-up to Fallen in 2006. It was called The Open Door and it debuted at #1 on the Billboard charts and reached platinum status in just over a month. The Open Door has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.
We're currently working on new material that I'm extremely excited about. I believe that to make great music you have to give yourself the freedom to evolve. I don't see the point in making the same record twice, so I always want to challenge myself to make something better, stronger, and more interesting than before. That takes time, but it's worth the wait for me. Hopefully, it will be for the fans too. Look out for new music next year... "
3年了,要在現今變成了emo / metalcore橫行的美國市場,加上經濟極度不景氣下殺出重圍,實在是有點難度...不過,我仍然期待他們的新作,畢竟當初Evanescence還是我第一次愛上的的女聲gothic呢(還在唸書的時候....)