90's vision will revisit so soon.
身邊幾位芬蘭,英國既朋友都不約而同猛咁睇show, Emma應該係最勁果個,一口氣睇哂Kamelot, Eluveitie, 1349, Equilibrium.....etc etc,黎緊仲有自己bf隊band一齊玩既Thunderball fest,有Adagio同To-mera!!!而且近排先0岩0岩同屋企人係匈牙利玩完返黎,認真合皮; Emilia妹妹都唔弱,有齊一眾當打既芬蘭英雄包括Amorphis, Sonata Arctica, COB, Norther, Ensiferum........etc etc成二十幾隊大大小小既樂隊演出Tuska fest, 有老麥headline既sxxxxxsphere fest成7萬幾人入場爆到九彩,當然仲有唔少得瘋魔萬千芬蘭少女(包括佢自己,呵呵)既metal idol------- Ari仔帶隊既Amoral(而家Amoral人氣真係有如2009隻金隅一樣爆升.)我都想睇Ari仔呀.........(不過Amoral就免了,雖然成隊超勁)
身邊幾位芬蘭,英國既朋友都不約而同猛咁睇show, Emma應該係最勁果個,一口氣睇哂Kamelot, Eluveitie, 1349, Equilibrium.....etc etc,黎緊仲有自己bf隊band一齊玩既Thunderball fest,有Adagio同To-mera!!!而且近排先0岩0岩同屋企人係匈牙利玩完返黎,認真合皮; Emilia妹妹都唔弱,有齊一眾當打既芬蘭英雄包括Amorphis, Sonata Arctica, COB, Norther, Ensiferum........etc etc成二十幾隊大大小小既樂隊演出Tuska fest, 有老麥headline既sxxxxxsphere fest成7萬幾人入場爆到九彩,當然仲有唔少得瘋魔萬千芬蘭少女(包括佢自己,呵呵)既metal idol------- Ari仔帶隊既Amoral(而家Amoral人氣真係有如2009隻金隅一樣爆升.)我都想睇Ari仔呀.........(不過Amoral就免了,雖然成隊超勁)

"It's my pleasure, girl!" \m/

My Lovely Emilia and Teija......haha se on mielenkiintoinen!!

I LOVE FINLAND x 798364966716289163719

I love Twitter more than Facebook.
Lying awake again as the night before
Wondering if this moon will be my last
Finding myself inside the hourglass
This room I am in fills with the sands of time
One second you're here, one moment all changes
And the light of the sun fades away
I'd give it all, if something I had
For those times, for a life
All of the time it replays in my mind
Those far days, the days of my life
Memory runs blank like a broken arrow
From times of the past, through darkness to the present
One step and you fall, and everything changes
And the shine of the stars fades away
I'd give it all, if something I had
For those times, for a life
All of the time it replays in my mind
Those far days, the days of my life
Wondering if this moon will be my last
Finding myself inside the hourglass
This room I am in fills with the sands of time
One second you're here, one moment all changes
And the light of the sun fades away
I'd give it all, if something I had
For those times, for a life
All of the time it replays in my mind
Those far days, the days of my life
Memory runs blank like a broken arrow
From times of the past, through darkness to the present
One step and you fall, and everything changes
And the shine of the stars fades away
I'd give it all, if something I had
For those times, for a life
All of the time it replays in my mind
Those far days, the days of my life
I'd give it all......