Girls in Wonderland

Indica - Valoissa (2008)

Vanilla Ninja - Blue Tattoo (2005)

Two Of A Kind - ST (2007)

Inja - Erased (2007)

Linda Bengtzing - Vild & Galen (2008)

Agnes - When The Night Falls (2006)

Gåte - Iselilja (2004)

Kari Rueslatten - Other Peoples Stories (2005)

Cara Dillon - Hill Of The Thieves (2008)

Anneke - Pure Air (2009)

Hydrogyn - Bombshell (2006)

Codigo Eterno - ST (2008)

Meldrum - Blowin' Up The Machine (2007)

Aloha From Hell - No More Days To Waste (2009)

Liv Kristine - Enter My Religion (2006)

Ranetki - ST (2006)

LaFee - Ring Frei (2009)

Triinu - Now And Forever (2008)

Seo Moon Tak - Now Here (2003)

Crucified Barbara - Til Death Do Us Party (2009)

Hysterica - Metal War (2009)

Gallhammer - Ill Innocence (2008)

Lisa Miskovsky - ST (2001)

Hanging Doll - Reason & Madness (2009)

Kingfisher Sky - Hallway of Dreams (2007)

Nina & Kim - ST (2001)

陰陽座 - 鳳翼麟瞳 (2003)

Randy Liong
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林海峰 - Yes, I do! (2009)

My Fav Books

1.Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (2007)

2.Fareed Zakaria - The Post American World (2008)

3. Andrew Hoberek - The Twilight of the Middle Class: Post-World War II American Fiction and White-Collar Work (2005)

4.Paul Krugman - The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (2008)

5.Thomas L. Friedman - Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution, and How It Can Renew America (2008)

6.Noam Chomsky - Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda (2003)

7.Stephen King - Hearts In Atlantis (1999)

8.Frederick Taylor- The Berlin Wall: A World Divided,1961-1989 (2007)

9.Donald S. Passman - All You Need To Know About the Music Business (2006)

10.David Kusek - The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution (2008)
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90's vision will revisit so soon.


因為逃兵役被抓入獄,服完牢役再服兵役"雙重享受"(其實好蠢,乖乖服完兵役咪咩事都無?)完畢出來的ex-Sonata Arctica結他手Jani Liimatainen,日前不久在其Myspace發表他會組成一隊另人眼前一亮的新樂隊,名叫Cain's Offering,並預定會在今夏發售.
不過曲風會是怎麼樣的呢?當初一眾melodic speed/power metal散band的散band,轉形的轉形,變了大牌的變大牌(廢話),現在還會在玩千禧年代初的曲式melod power melo speed(還要玩得好的),大概只餘下表現不俗的新人Amberian Down了.不過,Jani不愧也是芬蘭金屬圈內打滾過的人,找來的成員也是頂呱呱的Stratovarius主音Timo Kotipelto(不過咁就奇怪.....就黎出新碟既Stratovarius,主音仲有時間幫Jani錄音?咁出tour呢?分身乎?),還有以往在SA時的戰友Mikko Harkin(keyboard)及Wintersun的bass手Jukka Koskinen...um,看來Jani真的要跟同樣在今年出碟的Sonata Arctica(以往的戰友?)決一高下!!


Bazillion Points Books is offering a free download of "Chapter 5. The Upward Spiral", excerpted from the newly released North American edition of "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006", by Mape Ollila.

Joining the book in progress at the start of 2000 during the aftermath of "Oceanborn", this chapter gives inside perspective on events including NIGHTWISH's early gigs with RAGE and future bassist Marco Hietala's early band SINERGY; singer Tarja Turunen's bloody battles with mosquitoes in the wilds of Finland; the band and chief songwriter Tuomas Holopainen's rarely discussed and ill-fated flirtation with the Eurovision song contest; and the creation of what would ultimately be the breakthrough "Wishmaster" CD.

In this remarkably revealing official biography, author Mape Ollila charts the rise from village student project to global stardom, gaining unprecedented access not just to the members of NIGHTWISH past and present; but also their families, their loyal and lewd crew, their peers, their critics, and countless other insiders from the NIGHTWISH adventure. The book lays bare the creative firepower and personal demons of songwriter Tuomas Holopainen; the unique talents and traits of guitarist Emppu Vuorinen, drummer Jukka Nevalainen, and bassist Marco Hietala; and the true reasons behind the 2005 departure of vocalist Tarja Turunen — in the band's words and hers.

Along the way, the band struggles with religious protesters, fortune-tellers, naked crew members, health problems, shady promoters, out-of-control fans, and the growing pains of an ever-steeper rock star learning curve. Happily ever after or not, these unique Finnish personalities are brought to life in this journey. For longtime fans and newcomers seeking the backstory of how NIGHTWISH came to where they are today, this is rare public airing of the mysteries that exist.

The 352-page paperback has been revamped by Bazillion Points from earlier Finnish editions, and features extensive corrections, with 32 pages of rare color images dating back to the dawn of the band, and a complete list of international concert appearances from the entire Tarja Turunen era, all on exquisite 100gsm paper with a glossy folding cover.

Vanilla NinjaThe Clique Girlz之後,又給我發現了一隊來自俄羅斯的全女band!!這班平均20歲不到的少女們雖然玩的都是pop rock,不過pop得來和VN及CG一樣,歌曲都帶有不少80年代色彩味道,所以在我這個喜歡舊老調的fans聽來就非常津津有味. (可能是因為隊中省鏡的女鼓手Lera關係吧?呵呵)

p.s.她們好像今年會有2nd album.... Greaaaaat

鐘意睇headlines既原因,真係好多:專題夠獨到,寫野夠老練,同埋報導既news,都同音樂有關(例如Virgin既專門店Virgin Megastore係美國全線收皮等),呢樣野,係其他同類型雜誌之中最缺乏,因為我見過好多雜誌講音樂,但講極都只係講到外表週邊product accessories,叫人點著衫點買呢樣果樣,但音樂既本質---例如:點解首歌會咁作?CD封面點解會咁設計?既講解就欠奉,咁唔怪之得賣band tee,賣headphone既生意就好(雖然比起其他,都係屬吊鹽水.),反而賣CD賣vinyl既就叫苦連天.唉,本末倒置.

不過,headlines雖然多topics有水準,但終究大部份既topic都係寫mainstream,而rock / metal野始終唔係佢地果瓣,做research果陣都會搞錯---好似今期咁,有一段野佢地居然冇check清楚就咁出街:

"叫得Girls的組合理所當然是女子組合,例如有Girls Aloud. 但搖滾界的Girlschool和Girls皆是全男牌."


Matto Lau係re:pect果度終於有得死(整)返幾頁可以講下metal,有心既朋友,不妨鴿鴿,因為始終行內人士寫既野,遠比一個已經退左役既我更加貼切,到題.我其實只係呢度班門面前玩下斧頭仔者.



芬蘭妹妹早前拍了另一場Amoral(with Ari仔)的live......正!超清!!! (呢D先係Amoral玩既野)


我最近新認識的芬蘭朋友,她極喜歡日本現代的"變種"visual rock樂隊Antic Cafe,而他們剛好在上個星期去赫爾辛基出live,這是她第一次自己做的video,喜歡的朋友,多些瀏覽她的playlist吧! =)

Jason Newsted on Metallica's Rock Hall Induction: "The Black Album Band will be back!"

(Left: Photo of Rolling Stone Interview wit the band in 1989)

Former Metallica bassist Jason Newsted is excited about his trip to Cleveland, Ohio, in two weeks. And why shouldn’t he be? The band he spent 15 years slapping his bass for, the mighty Metallica, will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 4th, and for the first time in nine years, “the Black Album band will be back together and mow the shit down,” as he puts it.

That’s right. Newsted has confirmed for Rolling Stone that he’s going to be onstage with the band he left back in 2001, along with guitarist James Hetfield, drummer Lars Ulrich, guitarist Kirk Hammett, and the man who replaced him, bassist Robert Trujillo. Newsted says former bassist Ron McGovney will also be on hand for the honors, as will Ray Burton, the father of the man Newsted replaced, the late Cliff Burton.

“There’s three bass players getting inducted, and James, Lars and Kirk,” he says. Former guitarist Dave Mustaine, who now fronts Megadeth, will not be inducted, however. “Its not my decision. I have nothing to do with that. It was decided by the band, and I think it was just a hard-and-fast rule… anyone who has recorded on any Metallica recordings that have been released to the public as an official release were invited to the induction. So, that’s kind of that.”

According to Newsted, it was Ulrich who made the “very recent” call, inviting him to Cleveland for the induction. “I talked to Lars, and it’s all good,” Newsted said. “I was happy to hear from him. I hadn’t talked to him for a long time, so it was nice to hear his voice.” The last time the two had spoken was a few years ago, during a System of a Down show.

“It was basically as if no time had passed, as far as the conversation went,” Newsted recalls, adding that the two started referencing long-forgotten inside jokes almost immediately. “We picked up right where we left off. It was just absolutely positive. It was like, there we were, getting ready to get a beer some place. And Lars is ready to rock. He sounded like a kid again talking about the induction, and I felt pretty much like that, too. Getting fired up to rock after that many years… it’s pretty special.”

While Newsted’s split from the band was the very definition of acrimonious, he says the past is in the past, and he’s just looking forward to the reunion. “The main thing for everybody is, Metallica has a very large family, and this is a 25-year reunion of all of the people, from many languages and many countries, from the Kill ‘Em All road crew to the latest people who’ve helped us out all across the board, through all the years, who’ve made the monster what it is,” he says. “The honor is fantastic, of course, but they’ve made it possible for us to get all of our people together in one place after this good landmark, 25 years.”

Newsted did want to make sure Trujillo was kosher with him returning to his former post, because he didn’t want to make waves. But Robert voiced no objections, and now, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is going to get a brutal metal set; he said the band will not be meeting to practice beforehand, but will instead warm up with a single sound check.

“I wanted everything to be righteous, because I feel strongly that they have a powerful touring band that’s firing on all cylinders now,” he says. “There’s not a lot of bands that get inducted into the Hall that can still fucking knock it down. We’re all still clear-eyed and clear-minded and able-bodied, and all that, so its not something that always happens. We’re getting called out pretty early, so for us to be strong and capable to still mow everybody down, as it would be expected, is a fantastic thing.”

Let It Blurt (2004)

*全書名為: Let It Blurt: The Life and Times of Lester Bangs, America’s Greatest Rock Critic,今次review的是台灣版本*


早些年前,我在圖書館借到了"另翼搖滾注目",一本專講90年代Alternative / Grunge band的入門書籍,內裡圖文並茂的詳列了很多當時出名&不太知名樂隊的bio及discography,一字一圖,鉅細無遺,此書在我當時還未完全接觸Metal音樂而聽Bon Jovi, Poison的年代想去認識何謂是Grunge,就是靠這一本書二手鋪去找他們的CD聽,也開始了自己初頭一段時間的尋grunge熱.

數年後,又是另一本台灣翻譯的傑作,名為"聲音與憤怒:搖滾樂可能改變世界嗎?"(Sounds and Fury: Can Rock & Roll Change the World?)深深影響了我-----在我當時只沉醉heavy metal的音樂節奏,而忽略了heavy metal音樂本身的精神及意義,包括歌詞的表達內容.看了此書之後,音樂取向劇變,音樂的質量不再變得主要,反而是音樂要表達的內容才是重點.大抵,我開始"真正"的聽Pink Floyd(及之後Roger Water自己的solo live), Queensryche, U2, The Clash, R.E.M. Bob Dylan都是在這時期開始的.

不久,又再另一本台灣的翻譯本的傑作給我發現在圖書館中.這本描述6,70年代這位被稱為"美國史上最偉大的搖滾樂評",作風敢作敢為的加州小子的一生心路歷程:他是怎麼的痛罵當時他已經覺得是"無可救藥"的音樂業界-----一方面拿起鋼筆在不同的雜誌專欄上大加撻伐當時業界及唱片公司過份渲染的"愛與和平"的歪風窒息了樂手的創作,另一方面透過自己創作發表專輯痛陳70年代盛行只會紙上談兵的所謂"我的世代"(My Generation)風潮,實行在一個快要被單一聲道淹沒的社會上,另起一道更刺耳,更激烈,更強力及更有活力的聲音,讓人們反覆思考.我看後不禁嘆息:這些精神及思維,其實就是重金屬及龐克(Punk)音樂一直以來的重心及靈魂,也是這些音樂的美學觀點.但觀乎現在的metal樂隊,差不多全都是在音色技巧上玩弄過多,反而在歌詞及意識上全無著眼之處,寫的幾乎是一堆"文字垃圾".


很久沒有聽過這麼爽的美國teen pop了......比起Avril Lavigne現在那些不上不下的所謂pop punk, Kelly Clarkson這種直截了當的pop rock更加惹人好感.


1. My Life Would Suck Without You
2. I Do Not Hook Up
3. Cry
4. Don't Let Me Stop You
5. All I Ever Wanted
6. Already Gone
7. If I Can't Have You
8. Save You
9. Whyyouwannabringmedown
10. Long Shot
11. Impossible
12. Ready
13. I Want You

14. If No One Will Listen

繼Yui及上木彩矢後,我另一位喜愛的日本新世代創作女歌手,自己也是日法混血兒的Angela Aki,今個月終於出了繼上張大熱作"Today"3年後更加成熟及非常catchy melodies的3rd "Answer".

輕快的melody加上Angela剛柔並重的美妙歌聲,令人一聽為之精神一振:無論是主打的快歌#1 "手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~ ",哀愁的piano ballad #10 "リフレクション", 抑或是輕快的AOR小品#7 "Our Story"等等...今作Angela也特別cover了Bob Dylan在1973年的超名曲"Knockin' On Heaven's Door",作為對影響自己的偶像一種的致敬.(適逢此曲剛剛35th anniversary.)

推薦予一些喜歡輕快Aor / Piano pop ballad的fans.


01 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~
02 Knockin' On Heaven's Door
04 Somebody Stop Me
05 ダリア
06 Final Destination
07 Our Story
08 黄昏
09 We're All Alone
10 リフレクション
11 レクイエム
12 Black Glasses
13 ファイター